#DeleteFacebook hashtag has been trending since Tuesday the 20th of March, 2018 about the data crisis erupted earlier this week. The WhatsApp co-founder tells everyone to delete Facebook

Through a tweet early this morning based on the fact of how user's data were harvested for political purposes, the co-founder of WhatsApp blew up a whistle and for the second day investors dumped its stock over the risk the scandal poses to its business, due to such fact; Facebook stock had fallen about 5% for the day as of midday Tuesday compounding a nearly 7% decline the day before. More than $50 billion has been wiped off Facebook's market value this week.

The scandal arose over the weekend when the New York Times and the UK media reported that the data-analytics company "Cambridge Analytica" harvested data from around 50 million of Facebook users' profile to influence American voters using information improperly.